Post Covid-19, we are subjected to face the consequences of the so-called Long Covid. Contrary to what was universally believed in phase 1 of Covid-19 that an isolated 14-day quarantine can prevent the symptoms of this deadly virus and stop a patient from being a carrier, we now are witnessing a wide range of prolonged symptoms. Under these weird circumstances, you are in a fix whether to consult a medical doctor and seek treatment for your alarming symptoms or allow your body to heal itself?

Have you found yourself getting worried and rushing to the nearest doctor at the slightest discomfort out of sheer anxiety? Have you seen people changing from one doctor to the other with the hope that their chronic disease will be cured just by changing the doctor? And how come today we need a second, third and even a fourth opinion on regular medical conditions?

The number of people taking multiple medications is alarmingly increasing. Lots of people complain that their current prescription is not working. Further, complex drug treatments are resulting in Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) leading to further complications.

A recent survey reports that up to 20% errors in diagnosis are leading to incorrect treatment, misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of a medical condition, illness or an injury. A delayed treatment, or in many cases no treatment at all, can worsen a patient’s condition and can even turn fatal. Did you know that over 40% of diabetic medicines do not work on patients?

If you are taking multiple medications or are on a prolonged medication without positive results, it’s time you have a paradigm shift the way you approach your health. A fast-growing understanding of human genetics holds the promise to dramatically change health care through customized preventative care and treatments. Common diseases such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart diseases result from a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors (call it epigenetics). Recent developments in genomics research have tremendously boosted progress in the discovery of susceptibility genes and fuelled expectations about opportunities of genetic profiling for personalizing medicine. New gene discoveries have certainly improved the prediction of common diseases.

Aall Well Solutions in strategic association with Welocity Genetics, offers Xene – a Gene-based wellness program with electronic gene banking facility that has the potential to transform your health and wellbeing with simple lifestyle modifications. We invite you to understand your genetic make-up, change your lifestyle and prevent the onset of diseases effectively.