Track Your Wellness quotient on an ongoing basis through Electronic Gene Banking.

Let’s get to the basics. Primarily, we can classify DNA tests broadly into 3 categories:


Forensic DNA Tests:

These DNA tests are conducted primarily for the purpose of identification, criminal investigation or paternity determination by competent investigating agencies. Xene Life does not carry out any forensic tests in its gene-based wellness program.


Pharmacological / Clinical / Medical DNA Tests:

These are medical DNA tests conducted by qualified healthcare professionals primarily for advanced diagnosis of various diseases and an appropriate treatment thereof. For instance, Oncologists prescribe specific DNA tests to find out the root cause of a particular type of cancer to determine the severity and correct line of treatment of a cancer patient. Currently, Xene Life does not conduct any specific clinical DNA tests either.


Nutrigenomic DNA Tests:

Nutrigenomics DNA tests are non-medical tests which study how foods (diet / nutrition) affect our genes and how individual genetic differences can affect the way we respond to nutrients and other naturally occurring compounds in the foods we eat. In other words, Nutrigenomics helps us understand the relationship between human genome, diet, nutrition and health.

Xene Life essentially conducts predictive nutrigenomics DNA tests using saliva sample. The sample is physically preserved and the genetic data is electronically stored to conduct future Nutrigenomics tests. Electronic gene banking is the latest innovation in digital health record management in the quest for speeding up identification and prevention of diseases.

Electronic gene banking is nothing but the collection of genetic information derived from human biological material such as blood or saliva. Human genetic information broadly refers to molecular genetic data, standardized clinical data, genealogical data and vital information on the health, lifestyle and environment of an individual in any combination, which have been established for human genetic research and diagnosis. Gene banking is primarily conducted for human research and specially to help in future diagnosis for various lifestyle disorders based on the new research findings.

Xene Life offers electronic gene banking facility for its valued patrons for the first time in India. The saliva samples are collected through a spit-based non-invasive DNA saliva sample collection kit. The samples this collected are protected against contamination using a very special proprietary preservative that can assist in storage of DNA for over 6 years.This is an incredible opportunity for you to unlock your DNA code and find out your predisposition towards various health conditions and make necessary lifestyle corrections to protect against them.